Cable is dead. Long live the cable bundle. Curious to see the pricing and if the bundle only includes ad tiered options.
Yeah Telus in Canada has been doing this recently as well. We’re just back to cable packages except now you have like 4 different apps to worry about.
And logins and outages to keep track of.
My solution is to just watch less in general.
Not like there’s a ton of new stuff worth watching at any given time anyway.
That was one of the main factors in my cutting the cord in the first place.
Cable channels inundated with garbage meant it was time to go outside or play video gamez
Try happymaxxing and go play video games outside. We have the technology.
Boomers still boom in though. My dad has a smart TV and easy access to a whole bunch of streaming services but chooses to pay telus and watch on his cable box mostly because all he knows is his cable remote control. And those steaming “channels” are just like, channel 473. Anything else is too complicated. Enter your password? No way.