Cable is dead. Long live the cable bundle. Curious to see the pricing and if the bundle only includes ad tiered options.
I can’t wait for 10 years from now when this all comes full circle and we start getting commercials to “ditch your streaming bundle for whatever new service.”
Hopefully you’re working on “AdamEatsAss+” although seems like you might just have some niche content if you ever make that happen.
AdamEatsAss Pro and Pro+ are only $5 and $6 a month more for over double the content.
But act now and get AdamEatsAss Basic with 5 min unskippable ads for only $4.25
It will be dynamically generated movies and series. People will make their own movie/serie template and share it with others
The sad thing is it’ll probably start with infinite anime. There are so many currently existing manga that could be quickly and easily adapted to a full anime given the proper AI backing that it could take you years just to catch up.
Our great grandkids will probably be watching Spotify remixes of aitv shows recommended to them by influencers paid for by micro10gapplesoft
I’m hoping to be fully self-hosted by then.