Top: KBt RE: 66, Akko Mod 005 Middle: Zoom 65, Qazimodo Bottom: Vault 35, Daisy 40, mISO 34
Look up layers, each physical switch can be used for multiple keys.
For letters and punctuation though? Seriously? Like, okay, lesser used punctuation like carets, tildes, lesser/greater than, stuff like that seems reasonable to stick behind a layer. Letters though?
I write JavaScript on the tiny ones so I have to type a lot of () and {} and stuff. It took me a little while to get used to.
Also I have them mapped so that QAZ are Esc, Tab, Shift. So all letters are accounted for on layer 0.
chording (using multiple hotkeys to redefine the char set) requires retraining and mental overhead and can lead to errors. no thanks. I don’t even like the superset buttons on laptops, fuck fn keys etc.