Does everyone hate Bobby Kennedy so much that they’ll side with Facebook and Zuckerberg over a career environmental attorney because he’s running for president?
According to Kennedy, Meta is colluding with the Biden administration to sway the 2024 presidential election by suppressing Kennedy’s documentary and making it harder to support Kennedy’s candidacy. This allegedly has caused “substantial donation losses,” while also violating the free speech rights of Kennedy, his supporters, and his film’s production company, AV24.
In this case, Meta and the Biden administration are claimed to be co-conspirators colluding to block citizens from promoting their favorite presidential candidate.
We can very much dislike both while also agreeing that this is fucking stupid. While we continue to very much dislike both, one is clearly in the wrong on this issue and pointing out the sheer stupidity of Kennedy’s actions is not “siding” with Zuckerberg.
I don’t care what his profession is/was - he’s wrong and it would be disingenuous to give him a pass because he did a thing at some point in his life that I agreed with.
The second quote is stupid, but acceptable in a contentious environment. He can say that.
The first quote is formally wrong (because Meta is a privileged entity which is a platform when it’s convenient and a private something not subject to free speech when that is convenient), but in fact almost certainly true. Even obvious. It would take Meta to go out of their way to not do that.
The first quote is formally wrong (because Meta is a privileged entity which is a platform when it’s convenient and a private something not subject to free speech when that is convenient), but in fact almost certainly true. Even obvious.
I have no idea if it is or isn’t, but they’re both still terrible people.
How is RFK terrible?
I don’t think it’s productive to spend time regurgitating what’s already been said numerous times regarding his antivax beliefs and other conspiracy theories.
If you don’t think those are bad, then you do you, but I’m not going to debate it here. Have a good night.
Yes, it’d be productive for you to defend your point of view and not refer to some crowd thinking some way, I could care less about tons of bullshit which have already been said. Since the invention of machine gun this should have ceased to be an argument even emotionally.
Obviously it’s only my point of view and arguments against yours , “everybody does that” means that you are an irresponsible person who shouldn’t be considered.
Obviously yes, I don’t think these are worse than what others do.
Also it was morning for me.
No, because he’s actually quite mad and belongs nowhere near any kind of power. I can see his conspiracy theories appealing to the Q type, but most of them are going to go for Trump. He’s polling this highly because he’s an unknown. As more people start paying attention to who he actually is, he will be the Herman Cain of the race.
Would you agree that Bobby Kennedy would draw more voters from Trump as it stands?
A “conspiracy theorist” is rejected on the left until government-sanctioned evidence is provided. The right doesn’t have that constraint.
The left believes conspiracy theories. They’re just different conspiracy theories.
No, because he’s actually quite mad and belongs nowhere near any kind of power.
I’d trust a person openly mad more than a person still likely mad.
He actually had (much smaller) power from time to time in his career, and after becoming as he is now too. He did better with it than many people would.
I’m not sure how he’s any more ‘openly mad’ than Trump. Neither of them admit it.
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Trump is demented, not mad.
Second word from the top on the list:
Demented is usually used meaning that somebody’s intelligence has sharply declined.
Mad is usually used meaning that somebody’s sanity has sharply declined.
I don’t think anyone “hates” him. He’s just an absurd human that no one takes seriously. And we all agree we have much more dire things to discuss than what rich white people are calling managers about now.
Nah he’s great. He should take the rest of those brain worms, I think the worms should be in charge!
Worms/Kennedy 2024!
He’s an unhinged anti-vaxxer and all around conspiracy theorist. Summarizing him as an environmental lawyer is being real generous.
“Let’s imagine: It’s time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts. Which would you choose:
“Candidate A: Associates with ward healers and consults with astrologists; has had two mistresses; chain-smokes and drinks eight to ten martinis a day.
“Candidate B: Was kicked out of office twice; sleeps until noon; used opium in college; drinks a quart of brandy every evening.
“Candidate C: Is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer, and has had no illicit love affairs.
“Which of these candidates is your choice? You don’t really need any more information, do you? Candidate A is Franklin Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler.”
Biased and selective comparisons can prove anything.
Okay, but he also has admitted to have decreased cognitive function and memory problems because of the brain worms. I don’t think that it’s a horrible bias to say that people who have decreased cognitive function and memory problems because of brain worms probably shouldn’t be president.
I agree, the statement earlier was another example. RFK is a terrible choice for many reasons (the worms thing is almost certainly bullshit though). But everyone has some good qualities you can focus on if you want to promote them. Similarly, everyone has bad qualities if that’s your M.O.
he also has admitted to have decreased cognitive function and memory problems because of the brain worms.
Not permanently
I’m not sure why you’re not aware of this, but brains don’t grow back.
Doctors interviewed by ABC News clarified that these types of parasites don’t actually eat brain tissue. Rather, they absorb nutrients passively before dying.
According to doctors interviewed by ABC News, an infection like this could lead to seizures, which could potentially cause short-lived memory problems as Kennedy described, but most patients would mount a full recovery.
None of that has anything to do with policy.
If you pick someone based on this criteria you’re a fucking idiot.
Politicians are there to set policy you stupid fuck…not be a cult of personality.
That’s true. I’d pick that over thieves and murderers any time though. Especially as a politician to vote for.
I’d prefer not to die in a pandemic because a president is afraid of THE AUTISMS, but you do you.
Somebody quoted him saying that his family is vaccinated.
Not everyone likes to decide for others as much as you do.
What did I decide for others and when did I decide it?
It’s the most likely cause of assuming that his presidency would lead to mass deaths because of antivaxxers.
The most likely cause of assuming that his presidency would lead to mass deaths because of antivaxxers is me deciding something for others?
Again, what did I decide for others and when did I decide it?
People generally expect others to act like they would.
No one cares
How would you know who cares or not, if you are not even a person by my measure?
Yeah, I’m no fan of RFK, but I would much rather live in a world where people like RFK can speak their mind instead of this one where Meta gets to decide whose voices are heard. It’s pretty easy to ignore a crazy person, it’s hard to find worthwhile content the major players don’t want you to find.
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, having a free society means we’ll have to deal with people like RFK every so often.