Thinly veiled and successful porn site blocks porn. Everyone leaves. They killed themselves for money.
The lifers clinging to the site blame AI because the bots are the only thing keeping the lights on. All the humans left with the porn.
My missus used to post drawings on there about 10-15 years ago.
Think all the actual art is on Twitter these days (although some have gone to Mastodon).
Just seems a bit of a niche social network when bigger ones exist with bigger audiences and more chance of people actually wanting something drawn. Even if it’s mostly really weird smut.
I’d argue all the humans left when artstation became big. All my artists friends used to upload their (non porn) work to deviantart before artstation was popular. But banning the porn was the first nail in the coffin for sure.
I haven’t head of art station till now. What’s the difference from diviant art? Seems like its a censored platform as well from 30 seconds of googling.
The UI looks more “slick”, and it is censored, so your portfolio or whatever you want to showcase isn’t displayed alongside some MLP porn or pregnant Sonic comics. Which doesn’t mean there isn’t tons of “artistic nudity” on the site though, last time I checked.
I’m not an artist myself but I know the artists in my industry (videogames) love to use it
Thanks. I never seen it mentioned, although I wouldn’t have much reason to not being an artist.
Where will I get my pregnant Sonic fix now?
They did? Since when?
Who decides if that’s porn or not? The rule says no porn and I can only imagine she has less on for the account only images.
As a hypothetical potential user, I see “no porn” from a site I seen a lot of porn on in the past. The first thing I think is a big corpo bough them and milked it dry. Even if it’s not enforced the perception is “we caved to censorship for profit over letting our users do whatever doesn’t wreak the law”. They killed trust.
Buddy there’s fucken porn. If you assholes split legs like you split hairs you’d be a lot less miserable…
“sexy” is not automatically porn.
She is often fully nude. She calls it erotic cosplay.
Thinly veiled and successful porn site
All I ever came to DA for is wallpapers.
When did DA ever allow porn?
Wasn’t it years ago? I’m starting to think I’m just making a big dumb now.
Afaik, it hasn’t and I have been using it since around junior high or high school. It might have allowed it when it was brand new; I don’t know how old it was when I first stumbled upon it.
Honestly, its as old as I can remember and im old enough to forget that shit. Now I’m just sad for being old.
I think it used to allow all kinds of erotic content and fetish stuff, just not outright porn.