we had a thread a while ago, and some dude was in there insisting that blowers can be “used for snow” because apparently snow blowers don’t fucking exist.
People are fucking weird dude.
I’ve used one for a very light coating or powdery snow, but more than a couple inches of that it’s just easier and faster with a shovel
IMO if it’s that little snow, i’m just fucking leaving it.
It’s not gonna kill me, unless it’s sitting on a solar array or something.
I live in a place where if someone slips on your sidewalk they can sue, so I’m a little more cautious about it.
Assuming we get snow ever again…
sue for what? Snow falling on the ground? There’s no way that’s getting through courts lmao.
For injuries related to slipping and falling. It’s a real thing, and why a lot of places nearby don’t even have sidewalks to avoid this liability
this is such a weird legal thing. Even if it’s my sidewalk, you’re still walking on it of your own accord, i’d get it if maybe like, i put ice all over it, or something. but otherwise that’s not my problem.