I’ve already commented on other peoples comments but I’ll say it again.
Lineage OS exists and works well with F-droid
Sadly not compatible with everything, though. My phone is off the list ☹️
I can’t use my banking app on lineage and those wonderful folk at the bank have made it so that you cant confirm online purchases without.
You have to make it pass safetynet. Iirc there’s some magisk modules that let you do that
Well, if you can unlock the bootloader you can port it assuming the device manufacture is in compliance with the GPL.
Might be easier to just look into a supported device when the old one breaks.
Yeah I don’t know what any of that means so I’m stuck with good ol’ daddy Samsung for now 😂
Most people can port anything. And most of the ones who can have better uses for their time.
That’s why I said it might be easier to find a device that already has maintainers