You own the pile of money you earned for the role you played in someone else’s creative project.
This isn’t back to the future 2 making a Crispin Glover face mask and putting it on an extra, its using a woman for a voice acting role for an AI speaking from your phone, and somehow that’s stealing from a movie with the same concept, but not stealing from the actual phone AIs voiced by women that existed before the movie.
How would you feel if I made wheelbarrows of money off your face or voice without your consent and not paying you a penny? What about your family, got a relatives you care about who would look great in my AI generated porno?
The world is schizophrenic about this. On one hand we know that data is king and knowing about a person and having access to what they produce is a super important very lucrative field. The biggest companies on earth buy and sell data about people. On the other hand we argue that your image and data has no value and anyone can do what they want with it.
Then I’d have grounds to sue you for stealing my likeness, just like Crispin Glover did in the example I just gave.
Are you under the impression that’s what happened here? It isn’t. The voice is clearly not Scarlet Johansson’s, and she doesn’t have any kind of ownership over the concept of an AI in your phone using an upbeat woman’s voice to speak to you.