Enabling the PIN mitigates this issue entirely. Can’t drive it away if you don’t know the PIN, even if you have the physical key, fob, or phone.
Still sucks ifyou can get in
The “Brick through a widow” bug has been an active exploit since the Model T.
Where I am from It is very common that people break in and only steal the loose valuables inside the car. Not the car itself. If you don’t even have to crack a window i would imagine it is very enticing to do so and specialize in Teslas… with that said, I can’t magine Teslas are more prone to this and other brands. What makes Teslas a bigger target is that their fleet is large and use very similar components and tech. If you hack one, you can hack into alot of them.
Which is one of the perks of being a convertible owner. You keep the car clean of loose items, or the wind does it for you.
Right, a rock can get in any car and your pin doesn’t help, so one of your best safeguards is to not leave anything visible in the car