I did. And unlike you, I can draw my own conclusions, rather than let the media dictate them for me.
Maybe try thinking a bit, before simping for these celebs. She’s just taking the opportunity to get some money, that’s all. She’s purposely throwing these words around because she knows you white knights will freak out about it and jump on her side. It’s scary how easy it is to manipulate you guys.
Well, I’m not gonna waste my time explaining to you. It’s not my job, and I just don’t want to. If you wanna simp for her, go ahead.
Mhmm… that’s why OpenAI asked her for permission to use her voice a while back? That’s why Altman joked about the new voice sounding like hers?
Yeah I said I’m not gonna waste my time educating you, so if you refuse to see it, then so be it.
Not sure if you’re fishing for downvotes or trolling lol
Just telling the truth. People have a hard time seeing past this wokeness.
Wokeness? Lol