Spotify is an evil company. Bad for artists, bad for consumers. I’m glad to have quit using their service.
What do you use instead?
Local SSD
If you care about artists not being screwed over, Tidal is usually the first recommendation.
Plex/Plexamp/synfonium + Tidal + QoBuz + Bandcamp
I use a combo of streaming stuff I bought on Bandcamp with their app and playing local files. In addition to albums and EPs, I have bought a lot of singles on Bandcamp. I put all the singles in a giant constantly growing playlist on the Bandcamp app and then set it to random shuffle. It takes more effort than using something like Spotify, but I personally like it a lot more because it’s only full of music I know I like and I feel satisfied because I supported the artists I like.
Currently using a combination of Plexamp, WinAmp, Bandcamp and Apple Music.