Tech company creates best search engine —-> world domination —> becomes VC company in tech trench coat —-> destroy search engine to prop up bad investments in
artificial intelligenceadvanced chatbotsYou either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain
Then Hire cheap human intelligence to correct the AIs hallucinatory trash, trained from actual human generated content in the first place which the original intended audience did understand the nuanced context and meaning of in the first place. Wow more like theyve shovelled a bucket of horse manure on the pizza as well as the glue. Added value to the advertisers. AI my arse. I think calling these things language models is being generous. More like energy and data hungry vomitrons.
Calling these things Artificial Intelligence should be a crime. It’s false advertising! Intelligence requires critical thought. They possess zero critical thought. They’re stochastic parrots, whose only skill is mimicking human language, and they can only mimic convincingly when fed billions of examples.
It’s more of a Reddit Collective Intelligence (CI) than an AI.
Collective stupidity more like
It’s like they made a bot out of the subreddit confidently incorrect.
Stealing advanced chat bots, that’s a great way to describe it.