Thank you for elaborating. Surely any credible allegations are being pursued by the DOJ and you can reference them.
Google, I’m not your personal assistant.
I’m not the one committing libel my dude. You clearly can’t back up your feelings. You could have just mentioned something like FSD but apparently it’s easier to lash out.
I can back up my feelings, I just don’t have to. Not when I’m “required to present proof” by a rando with an internet access.
While this wasn’t treated as fraud, Musk did lose his $55 billion bonus as deemed an insider job, where Musk controlled the board to the detriment of other shareholders. Here (Denmark) we had a similar case in principle but by a majority shareholder (although much smaller), that resulted in 7 year jail time for the CEO/Stock majority holder that did it.
Why musk isn’t in jail for this IDK, but IMO he should be, and by better standards he would be.
Because he’s the pride and token of US (and their greenwashing). AND the US already poured too much of the taxpayers’ money into SpaceX & Tesla. To announce that they basically got granny-scammed by one loudmouth would be to destroy your international cred.