I have no idea what point you’re trying to make here. The comment I responded to said:
We really need to tax energy used by GPU-burning projects differently. AI training, blockchain, whatever. Such a wasteful endeavour.
And I pointed out that blockchain doesn’t use GPUs any more. NFTs weren’t even mentioned specifically. Then the thread went further into discussing AI specifically, not even blockchain at that point, and you jumped in to say “people still use nfts”. It was almost a non-sequitur.
I’m not saying anything about NFTs. You don’t need to jump in and “defend” them.
- nfts are wasteful
- your justification for ai not being a wasteful use of resources is that you personally use them
- people still use nfts
But NFTs aren’t wasteful. They’re run on a proof-of-stake blockchain, no big computing power is used to back them. Your point about NFTs is false, I didn’t mention NFTs in the first place, I don’t see the relevance of any of this.
But NFTs aren’t wasteful.
i feel this take is a pretty good justification not to care about your opinion on things
What exactly are they “wasting?” Ethereum switched to proof-of-stake on 15 September 2022. If you are still criticizing NFTs for their environmental impact you’re a year and a half out of date.
“it’s not wasteful because now they’re only wasting less resources”
You didn’t answer the question. What exactly are they wasting? And what does this have to do with AI at this point, anyway? You jumped in with this NFT thing and I still fail to see the relevance.
oh no their ai is broken they’re stuck in a loop