Reddit beats film industry, won’t have to identify users who admitted torrenting::Court quashes subpoena for names of users who talked torrenting in 2011 thread.
They don’t have names, so Im not sure what they expect.
It’s possible to have an email address associated with your Reddit account which might provide names.
Actually, if one uses the official Reddit app, they do have real names. It’s part of the data that the app reads out of your phone’s settings.
The only place I have my name, is in “emergency information”. Are you saying apps can access that?
The official app didn’t exist in 2011 so they likely don’t have that information unless the user kept their account and used the official app at one point
has anyone made a data request, especially GDPR, to confirm this?
All these inputs apps have free-reign over need to become part of the explicit privacy settings.
That’s scary af.
I would not want my reddit or lemmy name be hard tied to my real name.
And now people are just starting to realize what real issue with the official reddit app is.
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