Connect dev here, glad you’re liking it!
I use it sometimes, but with the instability of lemmy and being kicked from my login, not having saved logins is really annoying. I finally figured out that my keyboard app has been adding a space to the end of my username because it detects it as a saved word, and I don’t always remember this, so sometimes its a 2-3 attempt process just to log in and use the app.
This is one users 2 cents, I’m not really saying I dislike your app more than I am taking the opportunity to bitch to someone who will listen
It is a great app, thanks for developing Connect.
I’ve really been enjoying it, although I have a problem with it. I have it set to hide seen posts, and when I try to see the top week posts, it says that there aren’t any. When I try it on wefwef, however, it shows posts. I’m assuming it’s something to do with how the post lookup works, where it will only retrieve a certain amount of posts to show and if I have seen them all, it won’t retrieve more? (wefwef takes a while to retrieve new posts, so I assume that’s what it’s doing)