Oh god there’s round corners?
What critical information are people putting in the six missing pixels?
I feel like there’s more than 1.5 pixels per corner taken out.
The bottom corners aren’t rounded.
I read somewhere it was rounded 3mm at top and 1mm at bottom. Can’t find it now.
They don’t seem to list the exact specs of the display on their website (yet), but judging by this photo:
It looks like the bottom corners are pretty much identical to the ones on the previous display.
It was in the announcement vid, you’re correct
3 pixels in each corner? Why?
Because it comes from a laptop with rounded corners on the top of the lid and a flat hinge on the bottom.
Why what?
its due to whoever paid for the R&D for the screen asked for rounded corners. Framework just took the design and retooled the connectors for their own use case, as its significantly cheaper than commissioning a entirely new panel.
Well time to not buy it. I have a pixel 7a and the rounded corners drive me nuts, not to mention the home punch idiocracy. The phone renders a rectangle show me a rectangle.
If you were actually hoping to buy one but the rounded corners are a dealbreaker, then you may be interested to know that the DIY edition lets you mix and match the older display with the newer motherboards. Looks like opting for the older display even saves you $130 on the purchase price.
I wanted the higher resolutuon display for my existing framework but just… Why???
because theres a (very) expensive R&D attached to ordering a custom screen. its why many companies on the market use the same panel when making monitors. (e.g for gen 1 woled monitors from LG, LG, Asus, MSI(?) and i think Acer used the same panel.
just “wanting a higher res screen” isnt something thats trivial to order for, especially since the FW13 uses a 3:2 screen , an aspect ratio usually used by tablets
Yes I know it’s an R&D thing I just dont get with the obsession with rounded screen corners.
But hole punch cameras and round corners that go to the edges are so much better than a small bezel with square content! /s
Drives me nuts as well.
I completely understand that there are people who want the smallest phone and laptop possible and will happily trade all kinds of things for that, including an obstructed display, but I definitely am not in that camp.
Could maybe instruct DE to cut off screen in edges to make rectangle again.
If you really want high res so bad.
Edit: on X use xrandr, on wayland more difficult and maybe not possible yet, found this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1067018/change-screen-resolution-using-the-terminal-command-line-in-wayland-ubuntu-1
There’s two display options, 2256x1504 60Hz without rounded coners and 2880x1920 120Hz with rounded corners.
Specs are identical to the Surface Pro 11 and Framework said they are using an existing panel so they might be using the same panel, which makes it cheaper to develop since M$ would have paid for the development.
Rounded corners don’t bother me at all, but a notch sure as hell would.