I’m not saying this facetiously but I just don’t understand what could possibly be so important that you need a “1 to 1 easy switch way”.
Import your bookmarks. Pin some tabs.
Convenience, similar to ninite.com. Sure I could download each installer one by one, but when it was made simple I now use it all the time.
Similarly with Firefox: the easier you make it to switch from any Chromium based web browser, to Firefox, the more people will make the switch. To me your comment is equivalent to someone saying RTFM.
On the contrary.
With the time you’ve wasted complaining about having to RTFM you could’ve already imported your my little pony bookmark collection and be clop clopping off into the sunset.
You really don’t need a manual.
You are absolutely correct, I could have done it a while ago. But while it is inconvenient, for me specifically, it’s not top priority. Once there’s a convenient method I’ll be all about it.