To the people, is Firefox still the go to browser? Is there something better out there for the average person? I’ve heard good things about internet explorer.
First of all, I’d really love to know who told you anything, let alone good, about IE.
If anything, Firefox is in the best spot it’s ever been. Any time I’ve encountered an issue with it, it was because Google are actively crippling the web experience for the rest of the internet
They may mean Edge.
Unless you’re using android where on tablets it still doesn’t support multi tab browsing but is an overblown phone app.
doesn’t support multi tab browsing
What do you mean? Having multiple tabs open at once?
No, i mean like a tab bar like every other android browser and desktop.
Maybe grouped tabs? I am also curious what they mean.
I think they’re comparing chrome’s user interface which, on a tablet, switches to a more desktop like interface with the tab bar instead of the tab counter. It is something I wish firefox would also implement but not a deal breaker.
*cough cough*
It’s been in Firefox nightly for a few months.
Yes bit not yet released and has been in backlog for 2 years, not great for a mainstream browser.
They do have a tab bar now, though it’s recent.
What do you mean by multi-tab browsing.
I’ve used Firefox on Android tablets and while it does have a “phone app” UX to it, it works fine; specifically tabbed browsing is not an issue.
Every other android browser supports tab bar for browsers on wide devices , the one exception FF.
I want a desktop type experience on my tablet not a phone UX.
I see, yes the tab bar was missing.
I admit this is something they need to work on.
Can’t say I’ve had experience with that, but I believe you
You got me there, it is really frustrating that I have to open Edge if I want to have two tabs open at the same time.
What version are you using? Firefox Beta for Android supports multi-tabs on both tablet and phone.