Some were stolen as long ago as 2014…
Sooo… they were just stealing the tools and then paying storage unit fees to warehouse them? For 10 years???
That doesn’t make sense… I could understand if they were stealing to re-sell, but that doesn’t appear to be happening here.
Probably the crooks just grabbed up everything they could. That means the stuff people have been keeping around that they never had time to repair.
Probably want to sit on stuff a bit after its stolen to make it less hot. Some stuff probably gets left in a corner or is harder to sell. Alternatively The intention is to steal a whole bunch then ship it overseas or across country and resell in a different region entirely.
Plot twist they didn’t want to sell, they were simple plain owners of hardware store and profited from selling new tools
I like this DeWalt black ops team a lot more than Boeing’s black ops team.
They’re just bad at rotating stock 🤣