I love to talk about computer security. I don’t get the chance often enough.
I hope you get more chances to do so; you explained the situation in a much better way than the article and convinced me to reboot my phone.
You restart your phone because of security.
I ‘restart’ my phone, because it’s overheated and lost its battery % to 0.
We’re not the same.
I hope to hear you* on Darknet Diaries hahaha
I can’t blatantly associate this account with other identities but I’ll say that I’ll be at DEFCON32 sniffing the air and shaking hands on the Wild Wild West of the open LAN.
I insert a lie or two about real life details every now and then to mitigate profiling. But the gist of what I write is always me.
Thank you, friend. You’ve convinced me to restart my phone.
Personally, I restart mine maybe once a week. No need to go crazy with it, but it helps make life harder for bad actors and might make your phone run better.
If you have a blog where you talk about that, I would like to read it.