Physical pain? Zero.
Did you think about this before you wrote it?
Didn’t have to. Kind of an obvious thing to point out, but OP didn’t specify what type of pain he meant, so I figured I would, just in case.
How is it obvious?
Physical pain only exists from nerves. Brains don’t have any nerves. No nerves. No pain.
Human brains don’t actually have any pain receptors (even though headaches would have you seriously believe otherwise), so a brain alone wouldn’t be able to feel pain any more than it would be able to smell or see.
Wow. Equally confident, equally confused.
The brain processes the information from the nerves.
Might just be that nerve cells by themselves “experience” something when stimulated, but pain perhaps requires certain structures of neurons or even parts of a brain to be interpreted as “pain”. I’m just spitballing though since I’m not a neuroscientist or anything like that.