Nah I just can’t be bothered to discuss with closed minded people
Sure man. Whatever.
You sound like my former boss. He once told me “I hate arguing with you, because you usually win.” I was too stunned to say anything in response, but of course a minute later it occurred to me I should have said “you could try not being wrong” or something like that…
Haha you can put it however you like. It’s just that y’all don’t really have any bearing on my life, so convincing y’all won’t really make any difference. I’d rather save the effort.
For the record I agree with you. Disengaging is 90% times the better response to online “arguments”. Which there’s there’s far too many of for no reason anyways.
Also, I was just messing with ya with the whole hand waving thing, it was meant as a kind jab.
Anywho, likensub!