Similar to, but not quite the same as the kind of man-child that buys an F-150 on the off chance they need to haul a dresser once every 4 years. Seriously though, if each one of these buyers keeping US truck bloat in style bought a motorcycle instead to cement their self-worth, traffic would be eliminated in most US cities. That’s not possible due to many factors, I know, but it must be said motorcycles are just way cooler.
Problem then is, You Still gotta buy a truck to buy and haul your 2nd motorcycle, your 3rd motorcycle, your dirt bike, and your track bike.
And the truck-boat-truck carried on the tow bar
And the truck-boat-truck-boat-jetski
These insecure babies would never get on a motorcycle, it’s too dangerous.
Once in Bangkok I watched as three people loaded a dresser on a motorcycle, got him started, and then watched him drive off. It was balanced perpendicular.
Remember thinking that I would pay money to see this in the US. So freaken cool.
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