What’s with trans porn? And why are men so into it, yet hate gay porn?
It’s like holy water against conservatives
Gay men are men, trans women are women.
- trans male on male - kind of like girl w/ penis w/ male
- trans male on female - kinda like straight or lesbian, depending on perspective
- trans female on male - kinda like straight
- trans female on female - kinda like lesbian
But IDK, it’s really not my thing, so I can’t speak to that.
Sexuality is a spectrum.
Also, I only speak for myself, but I’m a man and I’m not into trans or gay porn (or lesbian porn), but I’m glad such porn exists for people who are.
I’m not against it, It just strikes me that most straight men I know are into this, that’s all.
Most straight men you know? Have you taken a survey of their porn habits or something?
Why so angry?
Your assessment of my emotions are about as accurate as your assessment of heterosexual men’s porn habits.
Ok Boomer
Along with your assessment of my age.
Because hormones are a hell of a drug. I’m only into women, but that includes trans women. What’s unattractive to me about men is the effects of testosterone, not the penis