As read from my Mozilla Firefox…
I’m going to go way out on a limb here and guess nothing will happen if I do neither.
The article says that’s what the government is telling employees since there were several critical vulnerabilities found in chrome. It is very convenient that these vulnerabilities were patched in the same update that manifest v2 is removed though
CVEs are constantly found in complex software, that’s why security updates are important. If not these, it’d have been other ones a couple of weeks or months later. And government users can’t exactly opt out of security updates, even if they come with feature regressions.
You also shouldn’t keep using software with known vulnerabilities. You can find a maintained fork of Chromium with continued Manifest V2 support or choose another browser like Firefox.
You also shouldn’t keep using software with known vulnerabilities. You can find a maintained fork of Chromium with continued Manifest V2 support or choose another browser like Firefox.
It’s disgusting how this exact idea is used to push users away from things they want, and no matter what they claim, you can’t convince me this isn’t part of how they design certain updates. When the customer has no choice but to update, the company has no reason to make the update appealing. They can actively make it all worse and worse and worse, while continuing to scare users into accepting it.
I’m tired of companies hiding behind “security” to mask anti-consumer shit, and I’m tired of the security community helping them shovel that shit while acting like the consumer is a fool for not wanting to eat it.
Yeah, go read a book or something.You have no idea what you are talking about.
Backporting security and bug fixes is a responsible and reasonable measure taken by any software that actually respects its users ESPECIALLY when a new breaking update is released. You failed at bullying a stranger with valid concerns. Try to bring reason with you next time before you decide to be rude and condescending.
Hi. I’m using Netscape!
I’m using tilt controls!
I’m using IE5.5 and a screen resolution of 800x600 because a website said that was the best way to view it 25 years ago. is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS at a screen resolution of 1024x1. Please enable your ad blockers, disable high-heat drying, and remove your device from Airplane Mode and set it to Boat Mode. For security reasons, please leave caps lock on while browsing.
Never realized that was there. One of the ten thousand.
This website is optimized for Internet Explorer 6.0 and Firefox 1.5
Maybe that software doesn’t need to be so fucking “complex”. It’s a web browser. Stop cramming everything but the kitchen sink into it. Half of the crap in web browsers like WebGL and WASM should be plugins anyway.
You can find a maintained fork of Chromium with continued Manifest V2 support or choose another browser like Firefox
You can find them, but you’re not getting them installed on your government issued work computer.
Depends on the government org. Some give more flexibility than others.
Fair enough. My experience is mainly in and around the DoD.
That’s what I was thinking. It’s mighty convenient…
Government isn’t telling employees shit. Federal users have no control over browser updates or most settings. At best this is a directive to push updates to it department head.
I don’t know why you’d jump to the dev channel, though. Just apply the stable channel update.