Oh, you’re saying that Recall is a privacy nightmare and a sweet target for malware? Surprised_pikachu.jpg
Same, especially with Nvidia Drivers. You can’t take any distro and not have trouble with Nvidia drivers. I switched to popOS because they support some computer with the same Graphic Card I use. And for now the experience is good. (I switched 2 month ago) I can still play Warframe, GW2 and Planetside 2 no PB
You can’t take any distro and not have trouble with Nvidia drivers.
That may have been true over 10 years ago but that isn’t the case anymore. There are plenty of distros that support it OOTB, there are also some helper scripts available as well if that’s your thing.
Anecdotally, I’ve had more issues with AMD (performance and reliability).
6-8 month ago I had problems with repeated freeze with Ubuntu and Nvidia. It was so bad i reswitched to Windows for 2 month before finding a better distribution
I’m not saying people don’t have issues, just that as a blanket statement it isn’t correct.
My bad i tend do generalize. Thanks to remember to still work on it
All good mate, no stress