The UI that gets progressively worse with each update, ruining what was perfectly fine before. The attempts to create the audio focused equivalent of TikTok.
The way shuffle constantly shuts itself off even when set within the settings to be the default. The shitty Smart Shuffle that adds in songs that break up my playlists terribly. The way it plays the same song again the first time you enable shuffle and hit next.
Yall are noting not even the reason why I went to Apple Music: no ability to actually consistently sync an offline library across devices, your own files.
The “repeat” option that activates itself is probably the most frustrating bug. I can’t recall the last time I legitimately wanted to listen to a song on repeat but it enable itself very often.
If I could simply remove the feature I would.
That’s never happened to me
The attempts to create the audio focused equivalent of TikTok.
That actually sounds pretty cool, how do I get that?
You do you I guess. If you scroll down far enough on the android app home screen it will start displaying recommended content in the typical short-form layout. I believe you can also click on a small rectangle on some playlists and it will do a similar thing.