Honestly my ability to game has what has kept me out of linux. I trialed PopOs a while ago. I will more than likely switch to it when shit starts getting super annoying.
Gaming on Linux works like a charm now
It’s the multi-player side that is still an issue though. The anticheat software is a pain.
Some multiplayer, but not all. Not that that makes it perfect, but I’ve had minimal issues with multiplayer games. I do not play popular FPS games where anti cheat software is prevalent, so that’s mostly why. I did get Ghost of Tsushima the other day, and that is not compatible for online play, but I think that’s because of Sony.
Personally I’ve had zero issues with multiplayer. But yeah, I’m also not playing the latest twitch shooters and whatever.
I’d love to run just Linux, but I don’t want to hassle with dual boot for the couple of competitive shooters I do play.
It sucks because all the other games I play would run without a problem.
Yeah, totally understood.
Wonder if there’s any chance the Steam Deck / Linux market share is getting large enough where gaming companies are having to seriously consider fixing this.
This is good news to me since I don’t play twitch shooters.
It’s already super annoying, and this is what people always say. What’s it going to take in your case?
As of right now? It’ll probably be the drop in support next year. While I have my complaints about Microsoft or any major corporation, for that matter, I’m not the most tech savvy. If Microsoft were to come out and say support is extended, I’ll stick with W10. If they come out with an OS that allowed me to pick and choose what software I wanted and didn’t load it with a shit ton of bloat ware I’d be all over that like shit on velcro. I know these are pipe dreams, and I will most likely move. For now, I will stay the current course until it’s time to jump into the Linux pool and learn how to swim.