I would 100% use this. I have ADHD and having the ability to recall something I did days or even weeks ago and query things I did in the past is amazing.
“Hey, I messed up my home assistant automation and can’t remember what my old automation was that was working. Can you find it?”
“I had a meeting a month ago with my boss Collen and he showed me a deck about this or that data point. Bring that power point deck up”.
The use cases are endless. This is literally a game changer.
yes, but it should be opt-in not opt-out. It should not exist in my os unless I install it myself.
I could apply this line to so many things microsoft put into windows since xp.
Do you think that someone who needs this feature would remember to turn it on? /s
There is an opt out option. You even get 50gb of space back when you do. You can even set which apps can or can’t be part of the recall program. You can delete all the data like how you would delete browser history.
I think the main thing is that you’re in control of the data.
i can’t wait to show it my nuts
“Sorry, Microsoft cannot recall your nuts. We haven’t developed the technology to zoom in to that level of details.”
Sorry for that. It was just too easy to pass up.
thank you Steven
I also have ADHD and would benefit from it just like you said, however, I wouldn’t trust Microsoft with anything related to privacy & security based on their track record. This is going to be the last piece in a huge puzzle that makes me switch to macOS confidently.
Very fair.