Same choice as normal: whine about and then tolerate a change you don’t want in proprietary software rather than spend time learning to use a software-freedom-respecting alternative.
“But my workflow”.
A lot of us should be considering Once it has raster support, which is in the pipeline, it is shapingshaping up to be a pretty good UI compared to GIMP.
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Link? I just find graphite dev which is not related to drawing
The web editor is VERY promising so far, but it’s still in early alpha stages.
And they intend to have offline versions as a client eventually.
Its graphite rs apparently, not js js
Hey, a lot of people have deadlines and can’t just drop everything to spend a week learning if GIMP even meets their needs when Adobe is knocking their door down with this EULA change right the fuck now
And Adobe is counting on that. They knew this was bullshit and people would be made which is why the dropped it with (what seems like) zero warning
No hard feelings towards people who couldn’t, or didn’t, see this sort of thing coming.
I saw this coming and switched to GIMP and Inkscape. It’s been a pain but I’ve managed. I’m just the IT guy though, and I would be laughed out of the room if I suggested our marketing team consider making the same switch.
It’s not a matter of seeing it coming. They just don’t care.
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No one has an unlimited tolerance to being mistreated. They will care at some point because it can, and will, get worse. It’s just of question of if people discover what is happening or if they carry on oblivious.