Not ransomware but just ransom to data exfil by a vulnerable API. But paying is still a dumb idea.
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"Hi, I just sent the ransom payment to the Bitcoin address you provided.
"Now you’ll unlock my data, right?
“… right?”has worked 100% percent of the time (probably a dozen times) I’ve shepherded future clients who have called me for assistance, because all their customer information, vendor data, and billing was locked, and they didn’t have backups. if you’re fucked, you chalk it up to a business expense whether or not you get your data back. you pay the ranson, and you pray. then when you get access to your data again, you lock it down. always. everytime.
Sure. Make it profitable to the hackers to keep doing it.
If the alternative is “likely go out of business”, then yeah…
They already made it profitable for the hackers by not backing their data up properly, this is just that bill coming due.