If you are excited about this you may be having a stroke, these types of changes from companies like Netflix are never done to make for a better user experience.
I dunno, I really appreciate the percentage match as compared to a star rating
/s. Maybe the most /s I’ve ever been on the internet. I hate it so much.
I know it’s been years since they changed this but I’m still upset. But it doesn’t change much cause I also just look up everything before I watch it since there’s no way in hell I trust companies not to filter reviews lol.
But but but it saves users from doing “gymnastics with their eyes”!! Jaysus, what a load of bs.
I hate algorithms, they narrow everything down, desperate to squeeze you into a little box. FB knows how old I am, so while I’m stalking my nieces it shows me ads for incontinence pants, tea towels and comfy shoes. It became a complete turn off with Netflix, it’s part of the reason I cancelled. Don’t miss it.