Basically… A lot! Just to have what effectively amounts to a painkiller. Now don’t get me wrong, those are great but you know what’s better? Solving the issue that causes you pain to begin with.
Hmm …what about continuing to go on benders every night and not addressing the problem at all? Would that be bad?
I know something better and it’s solar powered: Trees!
But think of all the space that would take! If you replant forests where are we going to put our superhighways and parking lots?
Trees are great for other reasons, but they grow far too slow to capture significant carbon. The fastest natural carbon sinks are algae.
I say, we damn up all of the arctic circle, propagate Azolla there, kill it off and sink it every season. Nature did it once! We can do it again!
Sounds like a great use for nuclear and then if there’s a drop in renewable energy it can pick up the slack
At this point, we need to do both