None. They are called trees. We should stop wrecking things.
To be fair trees still use energy for doing this, but that energy is conveniently provided by the sun.
If humans could make a profit off of killing the sun, they would.
“Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.” - Mr. Burns
We should try with solar farms
How does that destroy the sun? Unless I have the wrong idea of what a solar farm is. I’m imagining a big ol’ flat farmland in the middle of kansas with thousands of solar panels.
By stealing its photons!
(it’s a joke)
Dyson swarm goes brrrt.
I know it’s not killing the sun, but we’d be hogging up all that sunlight from other planets in the solar system.
Eh, the only other places in the solar system that could have life get the heat from tidal forces. I don’t think they will miss a bit of solar energy.