“You need to buy this special heater pad to break the screen adhesive!”
No, I think you will find that in fact I don’t.
Can I use it to warm up a sex toy? Asking for me.
Just 3d print one and grab it while it’s fresh and warm.
I realize this is a joke…
But don’t do this. Really. The fdm layers are unhygienic, and there’s a not-insignificant risk of things snapping off and leading to awkward emergency room visits.
A better solution is printing a 2 part mold and casting silicone.
glad to hear from the 3d printed sex toy experts in the house
wont the layers transfer to the silicone?
You can process the inside to be smooth (sanding, priming. If you have a solvent - acetone for abs, as an example. And mold release.)
Even just using a filler/primer should be enough
Aren’t ribs a good thing sometimes?
I was really impressed by the lulzbot manual mentioning this! Its also important to consider that most 3d prints can be sensitive to water unless sealed too.
I’m just gonna assume some one printed a butplug, had it snap off leading to said emergency room visit and they tried to sue lulzbot.
Who is this someone you’re talking about, FuglyDuck ?
Idk lulzbit are also just super consumer freindly out fit (I think are still one the only 3d printer that are FSF Respect Your Freedoms certified).
Sadly not.
I was told. Without asking. By a long lost friend of a cousin you wouldn’t know.
My sex toy goes to a different school
My sex toy lives in Canada!
My sex toy brings all the boys to the (local) yard
Yes, and you can also warm up lube as well.
I won’t take any questions at this time