Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.
Pull effects have never been empirically shown. You’re repeating the right’s talking points.
Have they been empirically disproven?
You can’t prove a negative.
It’s an outdated model and not really taken seriopsly in academia.
Fair point, but that still gives me room to doubt the claim that pull factors have no impact on migration, I must appologize to my overly confidant commwnt earlier in the thread
As I said: the theory of push- and pull-factors is outdated and not really taken seriously in academics anymore. Are you claiming that you know reasons for migration better than academia?
To be frank, no, I don’t claim to understand migration factors better than experts.
But if that theory is no longer seen as credible, I wonder how academia explains migration factors.
For me it isn’t good enough to just say that the theories are wrong, I need to know what factors they believe causes migration instead.
The homepage I linked to earlier tries to ansewer your questions. Here’s the english translation if you don’t speak German.
Alright, so push/pull factors does infact exist, but we don’t know what they are.
Did you read the article? O.o