Could you point out for me which behaviors are reckless, irresponsible, and chode like? I’m also dumb.
Technically they said wreckless, which is accurate.
The entire second to last sent where you listed being wreckless and then ignoring that stop lights aren’t in fact stop signs. Running red lights is very chode-like, speeding to get through yellows is wreckless, and both are irresponsible.
Oh, okay. Cool.
I’ll reiterate the above examples are on empty roads, I don’t take chances with other drivers. That being said there’s no world where I’m wasting several minutes and gas just because a timer clicked off. I am a human being and while I respect machines and the intentions with which they were designed, machines hold no authority over me. And if it’s weight based and you ride a motorcycle you literally have no other choice as the bike won’t set it off. You can run the light or wait possibly hours for another vehicle to set it off for you. So if that makes me a chode then I guess I’m a big ol’ tuna can.
I’ve witnessed plenty of chodes that think there are no other drivers on the road out between cities just running stop signs or lights getting into accidents because they weren’t as alone as they thought.
I am a human being
Exactly. You’re not perfect, and you will eventually fuck up and possibly hurt someone else or yourself if you don’t adhere to driving safety 100% of the time you’re behind the wheel.
Even professional drivers on an empty race track make mistakes. Don’t think you’re infallible just because you’ve been lucky so far.
No I’m actually pretty sure I’m infallible. I went to Jerusalem recently and learned a great deal about myself.