The point was to be able to send clips from your games directly to social media.
Right, that seems obvious. That’s what I was talking about being of no value. Nobody needs to watch anyone’s console game clips on Twitter.
But what if they’re riding a horse and the horse does something silly? What then?
No one believes me, but I actually got pretty close to the horse in very far away horse, but no tweets to prove it unfortunately.
I do enjoy seeing a horse rocketing off into the stratosphere or using the skeletal animation from a bipedal NPC.
I get we hate Twitter and rightfully so, but you really don’t see the value for a direct pipeline from consoles to a major social media platform?
People watching other people play video games (streaming, esports, etc) is a multi-billion dollar industry lol
Yeah sharing fun clips or a screenshot from a game you’re playing seems as valid as posting any other video or picture you’ve taken to social media.
The headache of moving it from console -> phone/computer as well. Too many steps usually.
The switch does it really weirdly too.
You have to disconnect from wifi so it can create it’s own hotspot, you connect your phone to that connection, then it hosts a little web server where you can open it up and download your shit.
I mean I guess it’s better than xbox or playstations method which I honestly have no figured out yet. Not that I’ve really tried.
I mean I guess it’s better than xbox or playstations method which I honestly have no figured out yet.
Yeah, way better than… selecting the share button(?)
Switch and Xbox here: Xbox can do clips and screenshots, and upload to social media with one button.
It can also send all the clips and photos to an external storage device, which is what I do so it’s easy to sync clips for making edits of them for videos and jokes.
Nintendo feels so bizarre in how they handle the screenshots. “Here’s a dedicated screenshot button! Good luck sending this to anyone not on Facebook or Twitter!”
When there’s third party apps and programs to make the job of Nintendo and it’s fans easier, they fucked up.
I share off my Xbox with one tap of a button on my controller. It’s not very complicated lol
Upload to what though? I want it on my phone or my computer.
They go to cloud storage for 90 days. You can then save it locally from the Xbox website or app.
I think there are much better social media platforms for sharing clips. From what I’ve seen, most of Twitter is people angrily typing opinions at each other, so your target demographic may not be there. The UI is designed for text rather than video, and responses/reactions don’t integrate nicely with videos.
Sharing game clips on video-oriented social media makes a tonne sense, however.
Remember, this was established over a decade ago with the PS4/Xbone. It was a very different landscape then.
Regardless Twitter or not, the use case for console -> social media seems pretty clear to me
Also Nintendo and Sony are Japanese companies and Twitter is (or was? I stopped using Twitter even before it was sold, so I am not quite up to date) insanely popular in Japan, that’s most likely the reason why it’s Twitter.
Nobody needs
to watch anyone’s console game clips onTwitter.FTFY
My brother lives far away from me. Sometimes he uploads game play directly from his PS5 onto YouTube and I get a notification. Don’t necessarily watch it for the content but it’s nice to see his clips pop 9n my feed.