They don’t know how to send a PDF file from their phone to laptop
With USB cable? Because outside of that it gets complicated and/or vendor-specific quickly.
With usb cable most of people doesn’t even know where to start. They have no idea of where the document is saved. Plugging the phone to the computer doesn’t show a “recent files” list but the whole directory hierarchy. Maybe they even used some proprietary note taking app that doesn’t create a file and they don’t realize that
That’s what KDEconnect is for. Oddly enough I think it even works in windows nowadays.
I wish I could downvote you more.
“Regular people having trouble with file management? Why don’t they just use this obscure, unintuitive program that they clearly won’t know how to use!”
“Share to <name of linked machine>”
Oh no, so unintuitive!
There’s a moment at which people have to accept that they just cannot use some things. Either they’re willing to learn how to use them, or they do without. It’s quite simple.
That should be a simple core os thing
After a while, there are no such “simple things” unless you expect a Star Trek type of interaction “computer, transfer this information” which completely abstracts everything.
Maybe that will happen some day, maybe not, but for now people still have to learn how to drive cars and what the fuck a directory is.
Desktop like file io is not a star trek ask.
Ok. Share a file.
How? Through what medium? Wire? Radio? IR? Any of those?
There has to be an a way to identify and authentify both ends.
There has to be an agreed upon transmission protocol.
You have to specify where your data ends up because your user is probably an idiot.
This has to works for a variety of operating systems that have nothing in common.
And you have to convince everybody to use it.
It’s trivial. Get to it. And then you can do all those other things that your users can’t deal with. I’m sure it’s just as simple.
I’m not saying it’s “trivial” I’m saying you shouldn’t need a 3rd party service to accomplish it.
Bluetooth isn’t “trivial” but the core OS does it just fine. File ops should be the same.
Edit The params discussed were listed above. Send a pdf from phone to laptop.
The medium of connection and communication should be transparently selected. The source and destination should be transparently revealed.
Sure, but they own their devices. They should know it. It’s a pretty regular thing to do, since most classes in my university use Canvas.
Also, many of them had both devices from Apple. I may dislike Apple, but Airdrop should work pretty well for this.
You’d be correct on that Airdrop assumption. I get most of Lemmy reflexively hates Apple, but Airdrop between two Apple devices you own is about as braindead simple as it’s possible to be.
If you have the luck that Android prompts you if you want to enable file transfer or just charge your device.
If i remember right, it’s long-press on the notification, no? Currently on toilet, can’t check.
Afaik last time I connected my phone via USB I needed to pull down zhe notifications and there was a silent option offered to switch the type of USB connections.
Bluetooth file sharing has worked for me on every device I own. Not sure if it works on Apple devices, but it probably does.