Well that’s disappointing. But I did a bit more looking and at least it looks like it needs to be actively plugged into something to get information out of. This model year/trim package doesn’t really have, like, stuff? Just Bluetooth, and looks like that’s not useful for anything but audio.
Definitely wish I could entirely disable it, but… is what it is I guess, and at least it’s not phoning that info home, or sending to anyone else.
This is what I found from 2014, so before every car was a full service internet infotainment spyware system on wheels.
Yes, whilst you do have a telemetry box, it is not phoning home. Data must be actively pulled from it by hand. As you know, typically this is done after an accident to better tell what the car went through. I know there are people who have sought to disable the boxes, but I don’t know the legal or insurance ramifications of doing so. It is also difficult to locate them as they are “hidden” in the mass of wiring and other components. There are probably manufacturer-specific auto forum discussions on the matter to refer to.