We desperately need smaller vehicles to counter the behemoth light trucks that are in the road today. Everything about these kei truck bans just scream corruption and incompetence from politicians to domestic auto manufacturers.
What ban?
Many US states have laws preventing people from registering these kei class trucks.
For example, https://dmv.ny.gov/registration/how-register-imported-vehicle
On that page
KEI-Class vehicles cannot be registered or titled in New York State. (Authority: Section 400-a of NYS VTL)
Is there a reason for the ban related to how the car is built or designed, or is it politics?
I think any person who has a hand in making those laws would say it’s for safety. Though I also think many people looking at it and comparing it to other vehicles that are allowed would call it politics/corruption/stupidity. I personally think it’s politics
Politics. If you can register a motorcycle or atv, there’s zero excuses for not being able to register a light truck like a kei truck. Honestly they’re basically industrial grade golf carts.
Americans just love being the biggest on the road. Bigger is better in their minds. Maybe we put an extra tax on very large vehicles.
It’s not only Americans though. French car makers also sell big SUVs to everyone because it’s very important to have the biggest car ever when you bring back a small bag of groceries, or when you desperately need to be on top of the world in the traffic jams. I see those morons every day and it saddens me.
damn, i would have expected the french to have better taste in their vehicles
Nope, it’s over since the invention of SUVs and leasing cars. Nowadays everyone has a big car or an expensive car.
Does Citroen make SUV’s now? They must be smoooooooth
They do, they are as ugly as all the other SUVs
We need to require special licenses for those behemoths.
I’d prefer they get banned entirely because there’s really no practical use for them that isn’t solved by some other commercial vehicle.
i’ve thought about that for high performance vehicles, but probably more important for very large vehicles. like a B/C license.
The other day an edible and an aliexpress misadventure really got me wondering “Why shouldn’t I have an electric cargo trike”?
It’s the biggest tricycle I can find!
Haha because it’s from aliexpress. I think it’s a great idea though. You can haul things. Don’t need roads. Looks cool. Good for the environment
I know. If one were made by a known entity and not the price of an actual vehicle, I would be very tempted.
Aliexpress with the bangers:
I’d love to see a comeback of vehicles like 1980s Toyota and Mazda pickups. Just a bit taller than sedans, good sized bed. I never understood the popularity of trucks that almost need a mini ladder to get into when they’re being used strictly in an urban or suburban setting.
Yeah it’s just people trying to show how big their penis is with a car
Or stop making fuel artificially inexpensive?
Tell me more
“Light” trucks. A real light truck is something like the Toyota Hilux up through the 5th or 6th generation.
My S10 is a “light truck.” A Silverado 3500 is not.
They stopped making Honda Fits (in North America) because there was no demand.
Do you consider a Honda Fit a light duty truck?
The topic of oversized vehicles is not limited to trucks.
In a post about small light duty trucks, and a comment about small light duty trucks, you’re pointing out that compact sedans are not popular. Would you like to point out some other true but off topic things? Most sedans are two wheel drive. SUVs are the most popular body style.
“No one is allowed to deviate at all in the slightest bit ever, to the obvious bigger topic!!!”
It’s entirely irrelevant to bring up one specific type of vehicle being cancelled because people didn’t like it, which can be for a shitload of different reasons beyond just size
This is true, yet I see a lot of them on the road and speaking for my circle of people I know plenty of people who want them. It’s a shame really as I was only left with the civic and that’s the same size as my old accord.