Here’s hoping this helps with getting a thinkpad keyboard into one of these things, I love my t420 to bits but sooner or later I’d like something a bit more efficient
Here’s the feature request for a TrackPoint on a Framework. Hope they change their mind, because a pointing stick is the most obvious use case for Framework 16’s input modules.
Third party module possible. Convince dell to make thinkpad keyboard module ;)
Dell used to have pointing sticks (branded TrackStick or Dual Point) in some of their business laptops, but they removed them all in 2021. Lenovo is the last major laptop producer to use pointing sticks. Maybe System76 will come through?
I went with a Thinkpad for my most recent upgrade but I really, really wanted a Framework. If there was a straightforward trackpoint keyboard kit available for the Framework I’d be all in next round. There’s no love lost between Lenovo and I at this point.
This ThinkPad keyboard project for the Framework Laptop is worth keeping an eye on.
Hot sauce! I didn’t know about that. Gonna follow that thread for sure. A laptop with good Linux support, choice of CPU, trackpoint that’s upgradeable and and supports hot pluggable hackable modules! This is the future I want to be in!