Those idiots decided to throw away their money to a grifter, who are we to judge? Let them drive the company to the ground, plenty of EV producers actually making good cars.
I’d be fine with all them diamond handing their way to bankruptcy, if it didn’t help enrich that dickhead musk.
They turned on the fully automated self driving feature and now they cannot turn it off.
plenty of EV producers actually making good cars.
Are there? I’m waiting. Maybe the Ionic 6.
Bolt owner here. Love my car very much.
It’s discontinued, lol. They now only make one sedan and it’s ICE.
I mean they’re making the Bolt EUV instead, but it’s basically the same car. It’s 2 inches taller and 6 inches longer than the Bolt EV.
Though I take your point. Discontinuing it was a mistake.