There always will be a divide between those who use technology as a means to an end and those whose end is technology.
If you think I’m taking a “side” with that statement you’re the latter.
If you think that’s a dig at anyone it’s probably because you think people care what phone you have, or that I’m trying to sneakily insinuate that you’re not doing anything by installing another flavor of Linux so you can get your dock to line up perfectly the way you want it to.
If you think people care what phone you have it’s probably because you know people who do.
If you think you have to be around those people I’m here to tell you I don’t know anyone who cares about what phone I have.
Some people think their phone is a status symbol. I just love tech for what it does. Personal phone is on Android, work phone is an iPhone. They’re both good.
Honestly surprised at the amount of arguing over iPhones and Androids here, its 2024. It’s not that deep.
Seriously, of all things tech news related nowadays, green and blue bubbles are a non-issue. If someone has an issue with it, it’s probably worth not making it your issue as well and just walking/swiping away to find someone else to talk to.
I consistently talk to iPhone users using SMS. Besides from the occasional picture compressed into oblivion, nobody cares enough to even make jokes about the phones we are using. At the end of the day, it’s just a phone.
Long way of saying “I don’t associate with any normies”
Pretty sure they said the exact opposite of that. Judging by every one of your responses in this thread you seriously need to practice your reading comprehension.
Yup okay. I’m sure I’m just making up the simpery because no one just loves apple and defends them endlessly, they’re all stating neutral facts
Quite the opposite on lemmy. People rage hard on here to the point of hopping in apple specific communities to talk about how apple is the devil. Usually most of the things these people say are not even true.
the things these people say are not comprehensive enough
It’s much less abstract; more directed, logically laid out and verbose.
So it is actually a useful, constructive discussion piece, instead of your quoted line.
Either that or condescending
I think this sorta misses the point, at least from my perspective. Nobody cares what phone another person has until they try to send that person a picture or a video that looks like it was sent from 2004.
I know that this is only really a problem in the United States, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying for those who have to deal with it. I have no interest trying to convince my 74 year old mother and a dozen other friends/family members to install a different messaging app on their iPhone so we can send each other videos that aren’t compressed to shit.
Most people with an iPhone just want to use the default messenger cause, frankly, iMessage works and it works really well. You know when that default Messages app doesn’t work well? When you’re forced to use an antiquated technology like SMS/MMS. Apple knows this and banks on it to sell more products. It’s one of many anti-competitive practices they employ.
RCS isn’t a perfect solution, but this is a huge step forward in closing a gap that should’ve been closed a decade ago. Nobody cares what phone another person is using. They do care about having a premium experience with a device they paid $1,000+ dollars for. They’re also ignorant enough to blame a green bubble or the believed cause of that green bubble, which is any device other than an iPhone.