Re-Enabling the dislike button would help too
I agree but there’s also an add-on for that
Yeah but it’s not that accurate, and it leaves most normal mobile users out of the picture. I know YouTube knew exactly what they were doing when they removed dislikes, but it still seems absolutely insane to remove such a useful tool for sifting through the bullshit.
deleted by creator
It was removed because Biden got too many downvotes. It’ll be back soon. It was stupid of them to take it away.
Lol no.
That’s not why it was removed
It was removed not long after one of their Rewind vids was disliked to hell.
And it ain’t coming back, at least they haven’t so much as hinted at it
Nah, that’s what they told you and you believed. Don’t be a fool for the media. It’s a bad look.
Continuing to speak is a bad look on you.
You talk shit out of your ass.
I talk truth in my own thoghts. You speak lies in talking points you were told to say. And you do. Be smarter. Don’t follow the herd.
I am glad to see that in his personal bankruptcy, Alex Jones has decided to spend the free time here on Lemmy…
Welcome to have you, Ale, I can’t wait to hear more about the chicken fried steak that God talked to you through.
I deserved you calling me a sheeple, Alex.
Alright, why do you think that google would remove dislikes becausr of biden
I don’t think it. It’s true. The reason is because they were pushing his agenda. They’ve already admitted that. They removed it because he was getting too many. Just because you disagree doesn’t make me wrong because that is straight truth.
First of all, source?
Second of all, wouldnt alphabet (googles parent company) back trump since he would lower their taxes and oppose législation that would cause them money?
Whoa this guy’s badass.
He knows what’s really going on, and it just happens to always be opposite of whatever “the media” says.
Crazy but true. Keep being a follower. See how that works out for you.
Ooooh boy it must feel super special to have this secret knowledge that nobody else but you can seem to keep up with. Almost as if it’s bullshit.
Tell me, based my one reply to you, who am I following? Is anyone who disagrees with you automatically a “follower”? That would seem a little too convenient, no?
The fact is you’re a basic-ass, run of the mill contrarian. Most of us have learned how to deal with people like you in our real lives, but it’s always a little bit sad to see someone who clearly doesn’t have anyone in their life to tell them to shut the fuck up every now and then.
So here, I’ll do everyone a service: Shut the fuck up.
Nah. Low value signal. Easy to game.