Have those warning labels been shown to work like at all? We already have awareness saturation about just how awful cigarettes are for you.
Yes. Almost no one smokes in Australia because of them
Lol no, no one smokes anymore mainly because it’s a taboo and a pack of cigs is so expensive it’s basically impossible to do so on the regular.
The labels don’t do shit.
How do you think smoking went from something nearly everybody did to being taboo? Maybe the labels don’t do anything for the last 10% of the population who still smoke today, despite the taboo, but those labels played a big role in reinforcing public awareness of the health effects of smoking.
No they didn’t, people got tired of the smell and public awareness of smoking came from watching family members die. Labels didn’t do shit. Smoking was on the decline before the labels even showed up.
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With the government executing this message to our youth, I think they’ll work as well as the anti-piracy ones back in the day.
You Wouldn’t Steal a Car
What do you mean by work? Do they stop everyone from doing stupid things? No. Do they have a measurable effect on behavior? Yes.
So why don’t we put them on guns?
We probably don’t want to use the current leader in cause of death for kids as a template for good policy.
Not at all what I was suggesting. If warning labels save lives why are they not on guns?
My guess is gun advocates think its a restriction on the 2nd amendment?
I see.
Well as long as opinions matter more than data now. Might as well criminalize Tik Tok with one hand and give out free AR-15s to mentally ill 18 year olds with the other.
The fact is, with the world we live in being like it is, why the fuck not smoke? For the chance to live a little further into the distopian hellscape of our impending future? Some reward that is for denying myself something I enjoy.
COPD fucking sucks, my dude. Living longer isn’t the goal, living comfortably is and being unable to breathe all the time is the worst.
It’s not a great plan to encourage yourself to smoke while expecting a future society with even worse healthcare
Even if the world becomes a hellscape do you want to meet your maker choking on bits of your own lungs or breathing normally?
That is why you shouldn’t smoke. Lung cancer and COPD are not things you want to deal with if you want to do anything remotely physical later in life.
You would have to be an absolute moron to think smoking only kills you early. That’s not how it works.
Even if you don’t like the world around you today and aren’t enthusiastic about the future, the way smoking kills you makes your day to day worse until you eventually get a very painful day to day until you eventually give out and die. You are advocating slowly committing both expensive and painful suicide over a 30 year span because you don’t want to live for 40 more years.
These comments are a good reminder of how dumb many people here are. Good temperature check
I got a downvote for saying that smoking kills you slowly and eventually painfully. Like, how is that debatable at this point? Am I getting a downvote because I’m not vibing?
That downvote was probably from the dude you replied to just being a baby
Warnings probably work better on products you’re putting in your body. If you have blackened lungs on the cigarette packaging I can’t imagine choosing to smoke.
On social media, you basically have to destroy my experience for me to stop using it in the same way. All effective options are terrible: ads, microtransactions, auto-playing unexpected sounds, nonresponsive interfaces.