This clown is comparing social media to cars and cigarettes. Cars are literally the leading killer of children. Cigarettes literally cause cancer… Social media? No. It’s pathetic but completely normalized when so-called “scientists” promote absolute pseudo-science.
If these fools actually care about kids, reduce and ban cars. They’ll never do anything actually productive for kids and humanity because they’re profiting from complicity and exploitation. Let’s see how long these politicians last if they go up against auto cartels and pretrol tyrants.
Pretrol can still get you pregnant
So your argument is that you can’t possibly imagine a bad consequence of social media, that the studies by scientists showing the negative aspects are “pseudoscience”, that they don’t actually care about children, and that these politicians are just pushing this message to make a profit.
Did I get it right?
What will you lose if children are warned about the dangers of social media anyways?