they call themselves “right wing”, but they arent. See here in orbanistan (hungary) orban and all his comrades were commie state party functionals, or were at least the part in the commie youth organization. Also they vote down 23 times (as of now) the disclosure of the commie state party agent files, serving commie dictatorships like PRC, and the soviet union mourner putin, etc. Just like AFD in germany, etc…
Authoritarians all of them
Right wingers and authoritarians get mixed up a lot.
Communism is when you perpetuate the class relations of your country in an authoritarian manner. Oh wait, or was it backwards…
I can’t take anyone who says “commie” seriously. It’s like hearing an adult say they need to go potty.
Why? They never been communist, because they never believed in anything except of greed, authority. Thats why they are just commies
no true scotsman fallacy