So is obtuseness and pedantry.
Sorry I made you fail.
You can be anti-guns but he is still right. Criminals do have weapons where I live, even though it’s illegal. Fortunately, we don’t have many criminals since the country is rich
I really don’t think you need to mansplain shit.
I don’t care if you are a woman, I didn’t even know. Also, you are the one being wrong
Sorry for your loss.
You already said that to the other guy, and it was already ridiculous back then
Sorry, once again.
You should ask chatgpt, it would provide better and more constructive comments
The voice of experience, I see.
That’s a weird answer, I didn’t say that obtuseness\pedantry can believe in something.
You made nobody fail, accusing someone of these traits just means their correctness is socially unpleasant for you.
Sorry for your loss.